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Sensomotor Communication System



Sensomotor Communication System (SCS)



A program in which authors have synthesized the principles of movement and interaction from different disciplines of martial arts, gymnastics, and other systems for physical body development.


  • protection, adaptation and interaction with various external factors
  • developing and maintaining psycho-emotional balance and body


Learn more about the program...

Unresolved tasks

Unresolved tasks

check   Chronic fatigue

check   Feeling lonely

check   Sedentary lifestyle

check   Feeling of not being understood

check   Exhaustion, body tension

check   Laziness

check   Low self-esteem

check   Communication barrier

check   Difficulty sensing the body and its limits

opment by eliminating psycho-emotional stress

How SCS helps?

How SCS helps?

check Develops freedom of thinking and creativity

check Teaches solving life problems in various ways

check Provides experience in managing situations constructively

check Relieves body tension through movement and interaction with other people

check Promotes development by eliminating psycho-emotional stress

Who can practice?

Who can practice?

check Anyone, regardless of physical strength, height, weight, age and life experience

check Anyone who wants to develop and improve their personality

check Anyone who wants to find a way out

check Anyone who strives to be in harmony with themselves and the world around them

check Anyone who supports conflict-free solutions to everyday problems

What is SCS?

The SCS system is not a type of therapeutic exercise or massage. This method is an educational process with a therapeutic effect.

Objectives and tasks of the method:

— Developing self-confidence by moving and interacting with others through movements

— Discovering full motion trajectory

— Strengthening and relaxing the body

— Developing the ability to relax the body

— Releasing psycho-emotional tension

— Restoring energy reserves and      rehabilitating after psycho-emotional and physical exhaustion

— Returning attention to the body

— Restoring the ability to sense the limits of the body

— Overcoming communication barriers

— Learning to adapt to changing life conditions more easily

— Strengthening and restoring psycho-emotional immunity to aggressive external factors

— Overcoming fear, internal barriers

— Developing awareness of one’s own and others’ boundaries

— Restoring a healthy connection between psychosomatics and somatopsychics

— Developing emotional and somatic intelligence



This method is based on the experience of many cultural trends that have spread and supported the ideas of a healthy, constructive society that seeks to maintain peace, harmony and personal integrity at different times and in different parts of the world.


Different cultures use these mechanisms and principles in both martial arts and areas of health improvement: Capoeira, Aikido, Tai chi, Russian martial arts, Wushu, Tensegrity.


The authors used those parts that are focused on improving and maintaining health, improving the overall culture of exercise, body and quality of life. All destructive and violent or confrontational elements were excluded.


SCS promotes unity among people, strengthens interpersonal harmony, and improves family and community relationships.


Characteristics of SCS

Through movement, one can understand the essence of communication. It can be watched and played out in all possible forms. In this system of interaction it is possible to form a tangible dialogue, to understand the mechanisms of communication with other people and the world around them.


It is impossible to lie with motion because everything is expressed by the moment in which a person does or does not do something, and in this system it is clear and obvious. Through movement one can get to know oneself, develop self-reflection. Movements reflect many of the human personality traits. The way a person makes movements shows how he or she acts in life.


New experiences in motion and through motion also create new mechanisms for solving social problems. Simple movements depict the most important and positive desires of human life. Freedom of thinking, creativity and attention to one’s own and others’ boundaries develop.


One of the most important elements of SCS is to create an environment in which people can express themselves, gain a certain amount of experience in safe conditions, enabling them to adapt better in the real world.
